Rough cut screened at TypeCon
Briar Levit
Hi everyone!
I'm just back from TypeCon in Seattle, where I screened a rough cut of Graphic Means, and gave a brief talk on the democratization of typesetting in the 60s and 70s. I also got the chance to meet with a number of people I've admired online for some time. What a great conference!
I'm now armed with some fantastic feedback and will return to editing and working on the motion design bits for the film. Then, in just a few weeks, I'm headed to Warsaw, Poland for AtypI, where I will do one more work-in-progress screening. If you are going as well, please say "hi"!
For those wondering about a release date—stay tuned. It will be this Winter, but no exact date yet.
I'm also working with type designer, Riley Cran, on some fun merchandise, which I hope to announce in my next update.
In the meantime, follow along online for regular graphic tidbits
Twitter: @graphic_means
Instagram: @graphicmeans
Facebook: @graphicmeans
Industrious button makers!
Some great buttons made with dry transfer lettering that was originally intended for use on transparencies for an overhead projector!